Family Support

Play Therapy

Play is a natural thing which children do, as well as having fun. Play is a way in which children can work through their experiences and express their feelings. Play Therapy gives children the opportunity to use various toys such as action figures, puppets, sand, music, dressing up outfits, and art materials to play through their experiences, particularly things which may worry them or which they need to try to make sense of.

Play Therapy allows children to play out their experiences rather than using words. Play Therapy is not rushed, children can work through things at their own pace and in their own way. It can help children start to understand their feelings, in a safe, accepting environment.

Children with a life-threatening condition, and their brothers and sisters, have to deal with experiences and emotions that are new and can be troubling. Play Therapy gives them an opportunity to work through those feelings and allows them to come to an understanding of what is happening, parents may also gain a better understanding of what is happening. Parents may also gain a better understanding of that their child may be going through.

Children who have been bereaved through losing a close family member, may experience unfamiliar feelings, uncertainty, family changes and may be left feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how to manage their feelings. Play Therapy offers a safe environment in which the children can work through their experiences, thoughts, and feelings and try to make sense of what has happened.